What makes a property marketing plan?
Regardless of the scale or type of project, the structure of a property marketing plan will incorporate:
Research and insights
Objectives and reporting
Lead generation, nurture and qualification initiatives
Conversion initiatives
Post sales marketing initiatives.
With such competition in the Melbourne property market, it’s more important than ever that your development stands out from the crowd. Property branding can make that happen.
In the past, it’s only really been the large multimillion dollar developments who have invested in clever branding strategies, but times have changed!
With a booming real estate market, smaller property developments are harnessing the power of branding to sell their properties—and for a very good reason. Prospective buyers are getting savvier and savvier. They’re looking for unique developments that sell them a lifestyle as well as a home. They want more than just four walls—they want a full picture into what it would feel like to live somewhere. They want to experience the dream before they sign on the dotted line.
Great branding is memorable, it’s emotive; it sticks with us for a long time. Branding can be the difference between making an impression on your buyer or fading into the large pool.
Whether it’s off the plan or in the early stages of development, chances are you’re trying to convey a vision of what’s to come to a prospective buyer. You’re creating a sense of promise that the currently empty dust bowl will one day grow into a vibrant community.
By establishing a personality, name, and identity around your development, you start an emotional connection between the buyer and the property. It’s also a powerful way to secure identifiable market positioning.
Taking the time to create branding increases interest, intrigue and demand for your property – which, of course, will only help you to sell it faster.
Branding helps you to stand out! You will invite in prospective buyers with an emotional connection that only branding can create for you. Focus on your unique selling points, branding will help you to showcase the individuality of your residences to the buyers. High-end design, eco-friendliness, and family friendly living are all aspects that can come to life in the overall branding before anyone has even picked up a sales brochure or reach any of the copy.
When done well, branding establishes an immediate sense of trust. In the way that a picture conveys a thousand words, branding crafts your development into an identity that words could not capture. Everything that your development stands for, everything that it is trying to achieve, can be encapsulated in your brand. When they experience high quality design and services from the moment they engage with your development, they’re more likely to trust that this standard will continue beyond the sales experience. Branding helps them to feel confident that you will deliver on what you promise.
S Design Group are specialists in property branding Melbourne.
Looking to brand your next property development? Get in touch today!